Health Trainers




Online Mobility Sessions

The Health Trainers at the University Health Service have a YouTube playlist of mobility sessions to view and follow in the comfort of your own home. They aim to get you moving and to help improve your range of movement through all of your joints. According to the Health Trainers, if performed regularly, you should be able to move more freely in not just the exercises, but also in daily life. They all have regressions for every exercise if you cannot perform a certain movement. These sessions are open to anyone but please speak with your GP if you have any concerns in participating in them. They recommend moving through these sessions at your own pace and through pain free range of movement. If you struggle or feel pain, then stop that movement.

Note: The practice takes no responsibility for any injuries sustained during these activities. If you are in any doubt about your safety or ability to perform the exercises, please seek advice at a sports centre or from a clinician.