




Visit the Solent NHS Trust's website to view helpful exercise videos and resources relating to musculoskeletal issues. 


First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) Appointment for Assessment and Advice

If you have a joint, muscle or bone problem you can book an assessment appointment with our First Contact Physiotherapist without needing to see or discuss first with a doctor. The physiotherapists can assess your problem, arrange physiotherapy and an onward referral to the Musculoskeletal Team if required.

Please call the surgery before 10.30am, to arrange an appointment with the First Contact Physiotherapist.


Ongoing or More Complex Conditions

Alternatively, if there are no FCP appointments available or you feel you would benefit from a course of physiotherapy treatment, you can self-refer to the Solent MSK service.

You can self-refer using the Solent MSK Physiotherapy Self-Referral Form or by phoning 0300 123 6680.

image of a physio